(323) 977-9036

Vidal delos Santos Apostol, Sr. of Camiling, Tarlac learned the art of Ablon from his mother, Rosa delos Santos (1890-1947), a healer from Alcala, Pangasinan. He made me understand the complexities of indigenous science. I also received my first stickfighting lessons from him.
Melendrez Miguel Mayor, my maternal grandmother of Laoag, Ilocos Norte who learned the art of healing and midwifery from her father, Leon "Ama Lakay" Miguel (?-1941) of Pacifico, Marcos, which was then known as Agunit, Dingras.
My name is Virgil Mayor Apostol, holistic health consultant and founder of ASI Healing. I descend from a maternal and paternal bloodline of indigenous healers, and have also been blessed to receive the teachings of other respected elders. My dedication lies in the research, development, practice, and promotion of Philippine indigenous traditions, especially those of my Ilocano ancestral heritage. As I continue to refine the traditional healing art of Ablon Chirothesia as a healing science, my research into Ilocano spiritual and martial practices rounds out my clinical and holistic approach to optimal health and wellness. I uphold a personal philosophy on what a healer is, including any responsibilities that I feel should be kept.
Having bachelor degrees in Business Administration and Metaphysical Science, I also have attained certifications In the state of California in Oriental Bodywork Therapy and as a Holistic Health Practitioner. I am an Authorized Lay Therapeutic Minister under the Oklevueha Native American Church of SomaVeda (ONACS). From 1997-2004, I worked as a respected Ayurvedic therapist at the Chopra Center for Well Being in La Jolla, CA. In 2010, my book, Way of the Ancient Healer: Sacred Teachings from the Philippine Ancestral Traditions was released by North Atlantic Books. I am also the co-author of Healing Hands of Hilot (1997).
I enjoy taking the roles of an educational speaker and workshop presenter. In March of 2015, I was bestowed the honorary title of "Open Eye Master" from the School of Pyramids, thereby being initiated into the International Circle of Masters. A father of four children, my homebase is in Los Angeles, California.
My intrigue in the ways of healing was sparked during early childhood when I would be by the side of my maternal grandmother, Alejandra "Allang" Melendrez Miguel Mayor (c. 1897-1996), holding for her bottles of oil and liniment, as she would execute her healing skills on those who came to her for treatment. Call it fate or karma, my journey on this path began at a very young age, as I received a visual transmission of her healing work throughout the years. It was at the age of 19 years old when I first took the role of a healer to help a college roommate who sustained a sprained ankle while playing basketball. This incident gave me the recognition of my innate gift of healing. During my second role as a healer, my grandmother witnessed me in action. After observing my performance with a watchful eye, she then warned me about protecting myself from ballatek, which is the possible transference of ill frequencies of the sakit (pain or ailment) to the healer. This eventually influenced me to delve into the energetics of healing.
Vidal delos Santos Apostol, Sr. (1912-2005), my father who came from a line of healers on his maternal side, would always preach to us about healthy living. He taught me about hot and cold syndrome, and how to identify and work on certain physical structures. The teachings that I eventually obtained from him and my grandmother were complimentary in that they gave me a broader understanding of the intricacies of our traditional healing methods, and which served as a foundation of my existing knowledge. I had a keen interest in meeting other skilled elders. Those who also had an influence over the development of my skills are Domingo Bacaycay, Jose Avinian, Jose Ocampo, and Mariano Dolores.
The Healer

"I had the pleasure of receiving treatments from Virgil J. Mayor Apostol. The treatments he gave were exceptionally good. He demonstrated excellent skills, the most thorough I ever had."
—Tora Maja T., M.D. Norway
"I have received Hilot / Ablon treatments for two years now and find the treatments to be very effective in keeping my overall health in great condition. The treatments give me a better quality of life in my seventies. I highly recommend it to others for keeping their body feeling young and active."
—Daniel Arca Inosanto, IAMA (Inosanto Academy of Martial Arts), Marina Del Rey, CA